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Looking for Men in Chico in California
About funkyphantom69

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  • Age: 62
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Lonely Double Widower
Location: Chico, California

About Me: I like people who enjoy the outdoors, movies, and quiet evenings at home together. I usually say I'm 19 with 18 yrs. experience, but really I'm a 55 yr. old man currently on SSI/SSP due to a hard life. I'm 6'2" tall;dishwater blonde shoulder length hair and full beard; not your common 4 eyes, I'm a 6 eyes - I wear bifocals. I have a bit of a belly that I could lose. I've outlived two betterhalves and looking, not hiding. I like fishing, camping, bicycling,hiking, cooking, and puttering around the house. I like 69, feel it's a way of saying we can love each other without reducing it to a fuck. There is also a mixxed drink who's name describes another way, it's called a "Slow Screw". I also enjoy just snuggling, cuddling, and carressing. If only people knew that when I have my beard folded up into my mouth, that I'm savoring my ladys, lovers..... sweet nectar.

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