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About Me: I am motivated by giving you pleasure. This, above all else, gives me the most complete inner high. I have long since moved beyond only seeking pleasure for myself. I am lean, energetic, healthy, articulate, independent, accomplished, secure, and inner directed. I live my life on my own terms by pursuing my dreams, many of which I have already accomplished. I am financially secure. I like to fly (pilot), travel (I’ve been to 4 continents), read, surf the internet, go to movies and restaurants, walk the beach, woods, & neighborhoods, bicycle, talk, write (not published yet), try new things (like kiteboarding), and shake things up occasionally to keep myself fresh, new, and interesting. It’s funny, when I was younger, I used to want to buy things rather than spend money on experiences. My logic was that money spent on experiences was gone forever and metaphorically speaking just evaporated. If I bought something, then I could keep it and use it indefinitely. I thought, at the time, that was a better use of my money. Now, however, my logic has completely flipped. I value experience. It turns out that all that stuff, sooner or later, winds up in a box being stored or it gets tossed out. Experiences live forever in my mind and can be resurrected in an instant. Ultimately, all the stuff goes away and you are left only with the memories anyway. I am a nice guy, even though I hate the connotation that comes with that. I see many women date really bad or inconsiderate guys. Later, after being treated really badly too many times, they reconsider the liability that comes with that arrogant bad man. I will treat you well and you will be safe with me. I don’t smoke, drink, or do drugs. I’m not a man Scout, but I like being healthy and eating healthy. I don’t like waking up with a headache nor do I like risking a DUI. I’m also disease free. 1929 of 2000 possible characters used, so far.