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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 29
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Gentleman of a Different Banner

About Me: I\'m the quiet man who reads that book you\'ve never thought to pick up. I say thank you and wish everyone a pleasant day no matter how bad a day I\'ve had. I\'ll always offer to pay but I won\'t fuss if you wish to pay part of your bill. When other men play poker, I play Dungeons and Dragons. When other men go on a drinking night with friends, I goto a movie with my friends. My favorite night spent is the a quiet, private, and pleasant night with the one I care about. My favorite gift is a well choosen book. I maintain as much civility as possible. Do not mistake me for the man who greets you as a long lost best friend, whom as yet to meet you before. I hope to get to know any who approch me more, if they are willing to be civil and open-minded.

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