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About Me: I am a very busy hard working individual. Much of my present time is spent working away from home, expanding my experience and knowledge in the oil and gas industry. Specifically, drilling and servicing operations. I plan to move on after one more season of working in this field.
In the mean time I am looking into starting a General Management degree next fall '10 to gain the necessary knowledge needed to manage my business in Geothermal technology. I have also been involved with a couple of other business opportunities as of lately and therefore feel some formal education might prove to be advantageous. That decision will finalize with time.
I have recently completed my third year of a Ba. Music Education. Ultimately, I would like to finish that degree and settle down as a high or high school music teacher. By the time that day comes I expect that my businesses will have grown significantly with an excellent team in place to manage them so that I will be free to enjoy life to it's fullest with my friends and family. Now only if love was as cut and dry as business... :P
I play several music instruments and love all kinds of different music. Music will be a strong passion throughout my life, no matter where life takes me.
I was born and raised in beautiful British Columbia. I wouldn't describe myself as a tree hugger but I feel that I do have an appreciation for our beautiful country and unique planet. If you have spent any time in the rain forests of the mainland, you can understand where I am coming from. My dream is to settle on the Oregon coast, with properties abroad, sailing to and from and everywhere in between.
Some say I am a dreamer... I consider myself to be a goal orientated go-getter who dreams once in a while. ;)
I am the type of person who enjoys working hard so that I can play extra hard. My interests include music, traveling, learning, sports and recreation. I really enjoy dancing, especially Latin dancing and hip hop.