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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 67
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Play like you mean it...
Location: Carrollton, Texas

About Me: Originally a Canadian, I'm a computer guy who makes a living doing freelance computer programming. I'm fairly new to this area having come from Arkansas where I was a computer programmer for a major retailer. I watch what I eat and workout four times a week and consider fitness to be an important ingredient to my health and well-being. My interests are varied and I have a dry sense of humor. I was raised, as a , on a cattle ranch in Canada and spent ten years raising and breeding show horses. I've never owned a cowboy hat or boots and have never line-danced and can't dance the Texas two-step, the Oklahoma two-step or any other kind of two-step. I can dance, though, and am willing to try anything. I love my 's and my six grandchildren. They are a blessing that I have gradually learned to appreciate more and more as I have learned to divert my focus from my work to a love for the people in my life. It's taken me a long time to realize what on earth has real value.

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