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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 31
  • Photos: 2 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: On a stage of my own at worlds end. Hoo ahh
Location: Louisville, Kentucky

About Me: Being that laughter is the best medicine; smile and enjoy life to its fullest. That moment when you didn't may be costly. I tend to be eccentric because of this, my philosophy. I also believe that eventually theres an upside to things. Even though I tend to be a pessimist. This is due to events in my past. So, earning my trust can be difficult at times. I love things like paintball, chess, the nightlife, the Dallas Cowboys, and small delights. I listen to music for the beat, not the words. If I begin to feel the rhythem course through my veins I will dance. Honestly to say that I am shy, would be lying. I am a far cry from being such. Lastly I am a combat vet. OIF 4 August 05 to November 06.

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