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Cincinnati Gay Hookup Site in Ohio
About Hauntedxbyxyou

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  • Age: 27
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: gay single man
Recent Status: Read my profile before continuing!
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

About Me: I currently work for the IRS doing what's called RECON and I cant say anything more then that for my job... I'm a magician, and yes I always have a deck of cards on me... I am also an Actor, I have done both stage and camera acting and have even gotten paid for my work, which makes me a professional actor by definition, and I promise you that one day you will see my face on the silver screen... I love meeting new people and making new friends, I'm very outgoing and love to try new things.... Well, if there is anything else you would like to know message me or something and I'll try my best to reply............................................. I wanted my name on here to be Haunted_by_you cause thats my name for the most commonly used social networking site (you know that Space i can call My own) and you can usually find me there if you get my drift...

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