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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 38
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Need some lovin'
Location: Rochester, New York

About Me: I am a pretty laid back down to earth type of person. I don't try to let the little negative things in life get to me. I like to think that I have a good sense of humor. However I guess the perception of your humor depends on your audience. I honestly believe that the way to someone's heart is the ability to make them laugh. My main passion in life is photography. I am currently enrolled in college for a BFA in photojournalism. I want to end up working as a photojournalist. I currently work as a photographer at a local studio. My outlook on photography is that I may shoot 100 images and only get one that I will work with. That one image makes it all worth it. I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. I like to see myself as a highly motivated person. The price of self-destiny is never cheap, and in certain situations it is unthinkable. But to achieve the marvelous, it is precisely the unthinkable that must be thought. I know what I want out of my life and I know what I have to do to get it. I believe in being true to yourself and not letting other get in the way of your dreams. To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best night and day to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight and never stop fighting. I am just like anyone else in this world. I'm looking for my own piece of happiness.

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