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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 29
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: i live in arcade ny not buffalo.need to find someone who can take me to new hights.plz help!!!
Location: Buffalo, New York

About Me: well im 28 yrs old.. been a vol fireman for 12..i have a full time job and a avg build.people think i am very funny and almost to respectful.i have alot of friends but none of them can help me with the problem at hand.if u think ur up to it give me a mess back.i will be honest it is hard for me to check my email so if ur not shy and for the sake of sounding creepy u can come to my work. it is the tobacco house on main st in arcade ny open 9-8pm mon- sat. those are my hours.u can tell me ur from this site or can just act like ur looking throught the store if im not what u like. wont hurt my feelings at all..its just hard to get out to meet new people because of my sched. this way i can make plans and have the whole day to "FUN" WITH U LOL. hope i didnt scare anyone awaynot tring to be creepy just need someones help

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