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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 29
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: I love reasonable relationships?

About Me: I watch disney movies, bad old kung fu movies, and sci fi. My favorite authors are Hemingway, Verne, Lovecraft, Melleville, Gregory Maguire, Conrad, Allan Moore, and James Joyce. I'm outdoorsy; I especially like boating, rock climbing, and caving. Unlike most people I have encountered here, I don't find it difficult to describe myself, nor do I sound like a fool when I do it. This is because I know who I am and what I want in life. I would be happy to tell you all about myself (what you have read so far is nothing more than a list of some things I like) So if you want to know a little bit about WHO I am, then let me know. But you have to convince me your not a spammer and do it in two lines or less.

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