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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 39
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: This is me..Enjoy!
Location: Cocoa, Florida

About Me: This is me in a nut shell: I come first in my life in everything. I''m very sarcastic. I have a dry sense of humor.I am quick witted. Most people take the four things above as me being an bitch.People don''t understand my logic and personality.I can come off as being very cocky and full of myself.I'm very blunt and honest.Don't talk behind my back.I don't mind confrontation.I'm mature enough to talk about things. I'd hope you would be too.I really hate when people are in my car and my windows are foggy.Please do not write stupid shit on or smear the fog off my windows.I can admit when I'm wrong. If I do something, I'll try my hardest to fix it.I cannot stand being accused of things I didn't do.I treat people the way I want to be treated.I cannot stand having my feelings spared.I say what comes to mind without thinking twice.I'll ignore you if you talk to me while I'm brushing my teeth. I'm a huge sweetheart deep down inside.You'll most likely never see that though. My friends mean the world to me. My life is an open book, I won't sugar coat my past.I am always found joking around, being care free, and having fun.From the outside looking in,it seems like I never take anything seriously.If you ever ask me a question.If it's a serious one.You'll always get a honest answer.I try not to break promises.

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