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Single Men in Shreveport in Louisiana
About Louisianaman4U

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  • Age: 60
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Just Looking for someone like you
Location: Shreveport, Louisiana

About Me: Easy going, nice guy, laid back , disease and drug free, love the outdoors and life itself. I really don't know what to say except you wouldn't be disappointed with me. It's hard to describe ones positives in words, anyone can say anything about themselves whether true or not. I'm not one of those guys, I take a lot of pride in being the best I can be as a person. I have always appreciated women and very thankful for them. Basically I would just like to meet someone every now and then for and hour or two or whatever time allows and enjoy one anothers company without you nor I having to change our lifes in any otherway and when we're through we leave as friends and go back to our own life as we know it, satisfied and happy knowing nothing changes, our encounters can be few and far between, I'm not looking for a commitment just someone with needs as I, now with that said could that be you?

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