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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 44
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: I have fared too far to turn back now; my breast burns with the lust for splendors unrevealed...
Location: Frederick, Maryland

About Me: How did I get here? It seems I lay down not an hour ago as a young 20-something with the world before him. And, now I awake wearing the marks of wisdom around my eyes. How did I get here? My slumber was preceded by only exuberance, hope and naïvety. I awake having only lost that trusting innocence. In its place, I find lifetimes of memories...one moment, a crushing despair; another, a love overwhelming and bright; and yet another, poignant beyond my meager words...I have earned these lines. How did I get here? It took years of painstaking practice, exploration, and endurance. It is a race won not in a sprint, but in a measured pace, savoring one experience after another. I hope to find at minimum another wonderful experience, and if I am lucky, a training partner.

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