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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 28
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: gringo
Location: Hartford, Connecticut

About Me: The Virgo male will likely be ambitious for wealth. Thoughtful, conservative and industrious, this man is not easily contented, being changeable by nature. For instance, he will change his residence quite often. There is a commercial instinct here, coupled with practical, methodical and discriminative characteristics. Males governed by this Sign are experts at finding fault with others. They love details of things and will be cautious about their own interests. Inherently speculative, the Virgo man is fond of science...particularly regarding medicine, food, diet and hygiene, etc. Men who fall under the jurisdiction of Virgo have the reputation of being cool, undemonstrative...or even frigid..in their attitude toward love. However, this is not necessarily always the case. Just as the calmest waters can be the deepest, so it frequently is with the Virgo male. These men need to express their deepest emotions in an almost self-sacrificial manner and this is why they will give so much of themselves to a cause whic

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