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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 24
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: goin hard and showin out, it's a party!
Location: Youngstown, Ohio

About Me: To be irreplaceable you have to be unique and that's me. I'm very relaxed, logical, and versatile. I like so many different things and have so many hobbies i can get along with anybody. I don't care much for drama or people who start it, but I have no problem being straight forward, telling it like it is, and holding nothing back. I'm very agressive when it comes to doing what's right and that no one gets mistreated. I also like to be crazy stupid though, I fuck shit up, mostly my own shit. I love being funny and to joke about anything and everything i'm very humor oriented. As for life I don't know why i'm here on earth so let's all have a good ass time.

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