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About investment01

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  • Age: 46
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Into what ever your into!
Location: Akron, Ohio

About Me: I am a single Black 43yrs young male and very single. I am very independent, own my own home which i had purchased way back in Nov 1989 and to put this into some perspective I graduated early form highschool in 1987 so having being in a very good position at the time be able to attend highschool part-time and being able to work several jobs and through some very hard work and very little play I saved and invested as much as I could to be able to by my 4 bedroom home at which I still currently live in today and is soething that I have tried to pass on to my family since the days of highschool I have largly been self motivated learner when it comes to saving and investing in the stock market during good and as well as bad times to be able to do some of the things that I am able to do today. I consider this today more then anything a huge Blessing. I am also a fix it myself man before I pick up the phone and just call anyone to do the work so as you might have figured out I amd a big shopper to any home improvement stores iI can go in for a single item and come out with a whole shopping cart full now for the really huge jobs I will call someone like building an addition and so on. I love my family very much and I love also they have been whats kept me going through some tough times and allows me to keep so much possitve perspective on life because no matter the doom and gloom that our world goes through it is still very important that you are able look in-word (into your self) and try to stay as possitve as much as possible because its the who will do what they see that is bad and have no clue that its the bad things that can ruin ones future if they do not have a stable foundation as much as posible now none of what I am saying is easy not nothing in life really is you just have to try hard and yes you will not be successful at everything however its all about how you handle not just the success however your failures.

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