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Free Fairfax Men Dating  in Virginia
About whysoflapjacky

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  • Age: 26
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Good Evening Ladies and Gentle Man
Location: Fairfax, Virginia

About Me: Good evening ladies and gentle-man, I am tonight's entertainment. I'm going to be straightforward; I am a nice guy. I'm funny. I'm not that bad looking. Whew, okay. It's hard for me to say that because I'm also very shy and have almost 0 self esteem. Life has been rough, but that's a separate story. I enjoy singing rock music because I used to be in a very active band. I do a lot of art in my spare time and I'd be glad to show you (as long as you have an open mind), and I also write frequently. I'm currently working on a humorous short book that is an auto-biography. I've had a really interesting/ridiculous life. To give you one example of this, I have no large intestine at all. Yeah. I play video games. Yeah, I'm a nerd. But at least I don't play world of warcraft! I live for speed limits over 50 mph.

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