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Milwaukee Single Men in Wisconsin
About QuiteShyType

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  • Age: 43
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Desiring of Gentle Encounters
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

About Me: Ladies, step right up and get your tickets! What I have for you today is a very special item that very rarely do we see on our show. Please allow me the distinct pleasure of describing to you this individual. He possesses the qualities of a gentleman, is honest, very passionate, genuine, and enjoys making his counter part laugh and feel appreciated. He is educated and diverse in his skills. He will go from helping around the house to taking you out for night of sheer romantic elegance in nano seconds.(Note the superman like abilities.) He enjoys a myriad of activities both in and out of the bedroom including shopping. Yes ladies, you heard me correctly shopping! Now you might be saying hogwash or poppycock, men like this do not exist. Ah, but I’ll let you in on a secret. Our highly qualified staff of researchers, who hold coveted degrees such as MAs, BAs, and LMNOPs, have proven that this rare breed does exist and is living in your city. Sounds too good to be true, there must be a catch? Well,let me reassure you there is no catch, no forms to fill out, and no tests to take. All you have to do is respond with a smile or to say hi. Operators are standing by so please leave a way for this gentleman to respond to you. Please note: batteries are not included. Tax, title, license are extra. Not applicable in all states. Ok despite my comical approach I do take meeting someone seriously and do not play games.

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