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Dating Men in Topeka in Kansas
About sindictated4fun

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  • Age: 48
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Addicted to sins and all the perverse pleasures they bring together!!!!!!
Location: Topeka, Kansas

About Me: That nice guy who'll do most anything for most anyone.You've seen others like me,easy to recognize what with the heel,tire marks and knives sticking out our backs.Many of you take our kindness for weakness,scramble to take full advantage.Latching on tooth and nail,cutting quick but not deep,time and time again,drawing blood,sucking the life right out of our veins,leaving us lying pooled and puddled at your feet.Eagerly awaiting the next caressing kick,slap or punch to our egos.It's not so though.No,it's not.It's the abuse we crave,the sins of the addicted.

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