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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 26
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: do good avoid evil
Location: Seattle, Washington

About Me: I'm Alin Harmon! Twenty one years young. Representin' the 206 area, holla! Living the single life. I'm a full-time bagger at qfc. My career is in law. I'm a really nice guy until you get on my bad side. Once you get on that bad side, it's hard to get off. In other words, treat someone how you would want to be treated, you know? Treat me like a jerk, I'll treat you the same way. I love to have fun and do things like camping, road trips, biking, and walks on the beach. Anything that keeps me entertained, I'm happy. I don't always need to be on the go so I relax at home and watch movies.

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