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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 64
  • Photos: 1 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Needing something for the rest of my life
Location: Sanford, Florida

About Me: been married twice, in marriage which is not working out....for a long time....decided that now is time to cut tto the "cat shit and sand", and find someone with whom I can spend and ENJOY rest of my life with.....however, not opposed to brief encounters until I find the right person, and if not, then great sex when I travel will suffice.....successful professional...travels a fair amount, ....open and able to move anywhere in the US, as work from home...but would like to again experience the "4 Season" year.....realize that this profile limits lots of responses, but....if you don't ask the question, ya never get an answer.....luv

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