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SexSearch Member Profile

  • Age: 45
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: If you are without humor or wit, it would be difficult for me to converse with you beyond a respectful 1st few written or ver
Location: Canton, Michigan

About Me: I am voting for Barack Obama because he is the best candidate, which has nothing to do with his race. I have had most success with latino and white/european women for some reason, and therefore I tend to lean in that direction for the most part. ... I did not just go to college... I actually graduated, which is the objective, and a nice thing to do ... I enjoy life, and I have cried through the difficult times rather than block my emotions like so many so-called he-men do. By doing so I am more developed mentally than them. I have met some interesting folks on this site... some gamers (they come in the female variety too), and some pretty cool people as well. It is an interesting addition to real life encounters. I've been on this site for about a month, and I am just now writing a brief statement about myself, so if you are looking for pics they may be up in due time, which is not necessary your time. I love doing almost anything, but I don't like doing it to the point where it becomes routine or repeditive, causing boring predictability. Afterall, how exciting can it be to rockclimb EVERYDAY... hopefully, you get the point. I love ethic foods and diversity of people in general. Differences are powerful magnets that can yield extremely fortified relationships. Ignoring this is truly "Ignorance" if you get my point. You ladies have a great day out there. And good luck to us all in finding interesting relationships... Take Care!!

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