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Single Men in Amarillo in Texas
About texasblizzard

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  • Age: 30
  • Photos: 3 Public
  • Sex: straight single man
Recent Status: Golf clap!
Location: Amarillo, Texas

About Me: Wet floor signs are not there because they are trying to make the worlds largest slip and slide....so I'm told. Im a goof, witty, intelligent, laid back. 5'11, 240 lbs stocky build in decent shape, light brown hair, hazel eyes..... that me. There was this ninja once, he just came out of nowhere and like went pow pow and threw his star thingy then twirled his nunchucks then like poof he was gone and like I was like Woah that was so cool. Ok kinda scared myself there a little. my goal in life is to find out what is inside of Streach Armstrong. Update: the stuff inside of Streach Armstrong is NOT good to eat, bad things happen. Pop rocks are cool listen (puts his mouth over your ear so you can hear then crackle)...so cool huh!!

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